Research on Generative Design of Chinese Traditional Patterns Combining Random Clustering and Shape Grammar

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Hao Hu, Qiaoling Xia, Ming Yao


As the young generation of Chinese consumers pay more and more attention to and identify with traditional culture, the contemporary innovative design of Chinese Traditional Patterns has become a research hot spot in academia and industry. Generative design based on computer code has been widely used in architecture, automobiles, digital media, fashion and other fields, however the application of generative design technology in Chinese Traditional Patterns is still rare. Therefore, this paper tries to explore the generative design method of Chinese Traditional Patterns based on shape grammar theory on the basis of preserving the artistic characteristics of Chinese Traditional Patterns. Firstly, the cluster composition mode is extracted from the Chinese Traditional Pattern composition mode. Second, the concept of random cluster composition is proposed and its visual characteristics are analyzed by applying shape grammar. In the third step, based on the random function and shape operator, the generative design experiment of Chinese Traditional Patterns is carried out by using the visual programming language Grasshopper. Finally, a program code and a special plug-in which can automatically generate patterns are developed to verify the thesis.

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